GOAL – Unlocking the green open access potential

About GOAL

Our database is online and growing. Visit us at: GOAL :: Home (zhaw.ch) and find Swiss practice-oriented journals and their Open Access policies.

What is GOAL?

GOAL is a swissuniversities co-funded project that aims to unlock the potential of Green Open Access among Swiss professional and scholarly journals.

What do we mean by Green Open Access?

By Green Open Access we mean a secondary publication of an article from a journal that is made freely available online on a disciplinary or institutional repository.


Because Green Open Access is a sustainable way to promote Open Access among

  • Publishers
  • Libraries
  • Researchers

Who takes part in GOAL?

The ZHAW is the leading institution, the HSLU, ZHdK, FHNW and PH Fribourg are the partner institutions. A Sounding Board with further twelve Swiss Higher Education Institutions provides advice to the GOAL Team.


Project Members

The team members who work together in the GOAL project come from different institutions: ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and University of Teacher Education Fribourg (HEP | PH FR).

Sounding Board

GOAL intends to bring together as many Swiss universities of applied sciences and of teachers’ education as possible. The Sounding Board is the place where Open Access specialists and/or other representatives from these institutions such as university managers or administrators can come into close contact with GOAL.

Project GOAL

Information & Contact

For further information on Open Access, please visit the link and glossary page. If you have any kind of questions regarding the project, please do not hesitate to send us your question by our contact form. If you want to contact a concrete member of our project, you can find our details on the project members page.