Journals with a Green Open Access Policy

The GOAL database with the results of our negotiations is online: GOAL :: Home ( If you want to find up-to-date information on journals, publishers, and policies, please check the database.
If you want to learn more about the database, you can read this post: The GOAL-Database is here – GOAL (
As part of the GOAL project, we aimed to increase the discoverability and visibility of journals by adding those that meet all the requirements to the Sherpa/Romeo database. The following list contains all the journals that have been added to Sherpa/Romeo by the GOAL project team.
Support materials
One of the goals of GOAL is to provide support materials for the development of the green road to Open Access.
Support materials – Negotiation guides
- Corredera Nilsson, Enrique, Moritz, Andrea, Reymermier, Hélène, Andres, Valérie, “Negotiate a Green Open Access Policy. A Quick Support Guide“
- Andres, Valérie, Brunner, Cornelia, Corredera Nilsson, Enrique, Dobis, Dietrich, Flieg, Julia, Lussi, Martina, Moritz, Andrea, Preher, Sebastian, Reymermier, Hélène, Trautwein, Clemens, “GOAL Support Guide for Librarians. Negotiating a Green Open Access Policy“
Support materials – Policy templates
- Andres, Valérie, Brunner, Cornelia, Corredera Nilsson, Enrique, Flieg, Julia, Moritz, Andrea, Reymermier, Hélène, Trautwein, Clemens, “Modèle de politique Green Open Access – Ligne directrice pour rédiger soi-même une politique Open Access“
- Andres, Valérie, Brunner, Cornelia, Corredera Nilsson, Enrique, Flieg, Julia, Moritz, Andrea, Reymermier, Hélène, Trautwein, Clemens, “Green Open Access Policy Template – A do it yourself policy guideline – Project GOAL“
- Andres, Valérie, Brunner, Cornelia, Corredera Nilsson, Enrique, Flieg, Julia, Moritz, Andrea, Reymermier, Hélène, Trautwein, Clemens, “Green Open Access Policy Vorlage – Eine Do-it-yourself-Richtlinie“
The GOAL project also produced results in the academic field. You can find a list with links in this section.
We publish most of our documents in our Zenodo community.
Journal article
- Corredera Nilsson, Enrique; Andres, Valérie, “(Grün) Open Access von unten organisieren: Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt GOAL” in Bibliotheksdienst 2024; 58(7–8): 416-427.
- Corredera Nilsson, Enrique, Andres, Valérie, Trautwein, Clemens, Brunner, Cornelia, “Green beyond: Das GOAL in kleinen Schritten erreichen“
- Corredera Nilsson, Enrique; Andres, Valérie, “Back to Green. Das Projekt GOAL und das Potenzial von Grün Open Access,” LIBREAS – Library Ideas, 44 (2023), 1 – 11.
- Andres, Valérie; Corredera Nilsson, Enrique, “Gemeinsam den Grünen Weg gehen: Werkstattbericht des Projekts GOAL,” enregistrement vidéo de la présentation dans le cadre des Open Access Tage, Berlin, 27 – 29 Septembre 2023. DOI: 10.5446/66737
- Trautwein, Clemens; Andres, Valérie; Corredera Nilsson, Enrique; Šimukovič, Elena; Rosenkranz, Simone; Dobis, Dietrich; Flieg, Julia; Reymermier, Hélène, Wie das GOAL-Projekt nachhaltige Kollaborationen zwischen Menschen, Maschinen und Strukturen fördert
- Trautwein, Clemens; Andres, Valérie; Dobis, Dietrich; Flieg, Julia; Moritz, Andrea; Reymermier, Hélène; Corredera Nilsson, Enrique; Rosenkranz, Simone; Šimukovič, Elena, GOAL Project – Report of the publication analysis
- Trautwein, Clemens; Andres, Valérie; Dobis, Dietrich; Flieg, Julia; Moritz, Andrea; Reymermier, Hélène; Corredera Nilsson, Enrique; Rosenkranz, Simone; Šimukovič, Elena, Bericht der Publikationsanalyse im Projekt GOAL
- Trautwein, Clemens; Andres, Valérie; Dobis, Dietrich; Flieg, Julia; Moritz, Andrea; Reymermier, Hélène; Corredera Nilsson, Enrique; Rosenkranz, Simone; Šimukovič, Elena, Rapport sur l’analyse des publications dans le cadre du projet GOAL
- Trautwein, Clemens; Andres, Valérie; Corredera Nilsson, Enrique; Dobis, Dietrich; Flieg, Julia; Moritz, Andrea; Reymermier, Hélène; Rosenkranz, Simone; Šimukovič, Elena, Dataset underlying the Report of the Publication Analysis GOAL 2020-2021