The work behind the GOAL-Database


  • The work behind the GOAL-Database

    As you all know, the GOAL-Database is now online and available to everyone. If you want to learn about its content and how to suggest a policy for inclusion, please read the previous post. Understanding what you can find in our database is great, but there’s more. If you’re interested in the technical details, you […]

  • The GOAL-Database is here

    Dear Open Access friends After lots of work, finally the GOAL-Database is online. Organised around three entangled collections, it contains information about the publishers, journals, and their policies. The database is initially available in English, but this is only the beginning. We plan to further develop its functionalities, including versions in French, German, and Italian. […]

  • Of (small) steps and publication cultures.

    GOAL and the Open Access Days of 2023. The Open Access Days in Berlin are over. In keynote speeches, workshops, panels and poster presentations, the conference’s 450 participants exchanged views and experiences on shaping visions of Open Access. In short, Open Access is as alive as ever. Our colleagues are looking for creative solutions to […]

  • From plan to practice – GOAL in the 2023 Berlin Open Access Days

    It is hard to believe, but it has been a year since the Open Access Days took place in Bern. In 2022, the GOAL team participated with a poster. We presented our vision about how collaboration can help to foster Green Open Access and we got lots of encouragement then. This year we have been […]

  • GOAL – Making Green Open Access (more) findable

    GOAL’s stated aim is to support and develop Green Open Access in the long term. In practice, this short statement means a wide range of different actions and activities. The first thing that comes to mind is negotiating Green Open Access policies with publishers. This is a key action, but there is more to it […]