Green beyond: Das GOAL in kleinen Schritten erreichen

GOAL at the Open Access Tage 2024 (Cologne)

It is again thus far, the Open Access Tage are coming and GOAL will participate, as we did in 2022 and 2023. This year, we will present a poster that summarizes our experiences from the past three years. How are we transforming Open Access in small steps? What are the results and the limits?

Come visit us during the poster session and Wednesday, September 11th, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and find out!

The poster is available in both the OA-Tage Zenodo community and the GOAL-Zenodo community.

  • Par Enrique Corredera NiIsson
  • ·
  • 5. septembre 2024
The work behind the GOAL-Database