Green Open Access is easy!

Create your own Green OA policy in just a few clicks

Green Open Access is about making content accessible to all in an easy and sustainable way. This starts with journals having a Green Open Access policy in the first place. If you are a librarian thinking about a particular journal that could benefit from a Green Open Access policy, or if you are an editor of a journal who thinks Green Open Access is a solution for you, we have something to make your life easier.

In our Zenodo community, you can now find templates in English, German and French to create a Green Open Access policy tailored to the needs and possibilities of your journal. Simply download the PDF, copy and paste the standard text blocks, choose from the various options to tailor a policy, copy-paste them too, and in a few minutes, voilà! There is your policy, ready to be proposed to a publisher or published on the journal website.

If a journal or publisher adopts an Open Access policy, we at GOAL will be happy to hear about it and add it to the GOAL database. Simply send us the basic information and the link to the policy by using the feedback form and we will do the rest.

  • Par Enrique Corredera NiIsson
  • ·
  • 31. octobre 2024
Open Access in Switzerland – Are we reaching the GOALs?
 “Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs?”: A report of the panel discussion