Green Open Access
“Open Access in Switzerland: Are we reaching the GOALs?”: A report of the panel discussion
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
“We have failed”. With this short statement Tobias Philipp, Open Access Coordinator at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), explained the need to revise the national Open Access (OA) strategy published in 2017. Seven years later, the target of reaching 100% of OA publications was missed by attaining only about 70%. Such a bold and […]
Open Access in Switzerland – Are we reaching the GOALs?
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
Final Event Project GOAL – Thursday, 24.10.2024 The “GOAL” project, that set off to unlock the Green Open Access potential in scholarly and professional journals in Switzerland almost three years ago, is nearing its conclusion. Before the end comes, we want to spark the discussion about the current situation and future of Open Access in […]
Green beyond: Das GOAL in kleinen Schritten erreichen
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
GOAL at the Open Access Tage 2024 (Cologne) It is again thus far, the Open Access Tage are coming and GOAL will participate, as we did in 2022 and 2023. This year, we will present a poster that summarizes our experiences from the past three years. How are we transforming Open Access in small steps? […]
The GOAL-Database is here
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
Dear Open Access friends After lots of work, finally the GOAL-Database is online. Organised around three entangled collections, it contains information about the publishers, journals, and their policies. The database is initially available in English, but this is only the beginning. We plan to further develop its functionalities, including versions in French, German, and Italian. […]
GOAL – The road of the negotiation begins to bring green results
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
As you all know, GOAL is committed to the expansion of Green Open Access solutions and policies. Over the past few months, we have been mapping the field, preparing ourselves with the support of CCdigitallaw, spreading the word and gathering information from interested stakeholders, be they Open Access specialists or publishers. We have also prepared […]
The (un)attractiveness of Green Open Access – Thoughts and takeaways from the 25 May Webinar
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
As announced in the last post, GOAL project members participated in the webinar organised by swissuniversities on 25 May. The session was lively with 24 participants. In addition to presenting the current state of the project, it was possible to compare opinions on the (un)attractiveness of Green Open Access. The project is moving forward and, […]
Taking Green Open Access steps to close the gap – Webinar 25th of May (Thursday) at 4 p.m.
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
Thanks to the expansion and development of Open Access during the last twenty years the way we publish and the way we access information has changed substantially. Open Access is no longer a mere dream but a reality. And yet, there is still much that can be done. The world of professional and practice-oriented journals, […]
The road of the dialogue.
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
GOAL visits the Schweizerischer Verband der Verleger der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften On 24 January, two members of our project team had the opportunity to present and discuss the aims of the project and the development of (green) Open Access in Switzerland with the directorate of the Schweizerischer Verband der Verleger der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Swiss […]
The Open Access Week is coming – GOAL will be there
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
GOAL keeps going on tour to spread the word about the potentials and benefits of Green Open Access. This time it is the International Open Access Week, which will take place between the 24th and the 28th of October. Joining forces and thus fostering collaboration, the university libraries of the HfH, PHZH, ZHAW, and ZHdK […]
GOAL at the Open Access Days – New inputs, a poster prize, and lots of encouragement
di Enrique Corredera NiIsson
The Open Access Days are over. It has been two and a half days checking the latest developments of the Open Access German-speaking community, making contacts, and learning from each other. Open Access is well alive and kicking, and it keeps developing in different directions, from the consolidation of scholarly blogs as an alternative form […]